Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Prayer

I'm reading Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche's Living Fully, (p 25) and it has the following prayer in it I wanted to share:

May I act with pure motivation.
May I part from selfish ways.
May I bring Joy and happiness to others.
May I free them from pain and sorrow.
May I have a big and open heart
That encompasses the whole world.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

what is a drop in?

I only have one night reliably free--Sunday night.  I have children, and work at a mostly night job.

So the best thing is to have a drop in.  All levels welcome, we accept beginners, or maybe the group will evolve into something deeper.  Or maybe Cori and I will just sit together, if nobody comes.  I read somewhere that you're not a Dharma teacher until you go to give a teaching and nobody comes.  I guess that makes me a Dharma teacher.

Now some people might feel Sunday night is a bad time.  It's the end of the weekend and either you're finishing up something you've avoided all weekend, or you're trying to relax before the weekly grind.

But someone at work told me it might be a great time to connect with yourself, and end the weekend. Meditation is always good.  I will let you know in advance if it's called off, otherwise it's every Sunday at 6:30 PM.  Email me for directions if you haven't come.  It's near Union Turnpike and Main Street in Kew Garden Hills, Queens, New York City.

Meditation is free.  Dharma talk is free.  It's a community of inspiration, rather than expectation or responsibility.  If nobody comes, Cori and I meditate anyway.  Maybe no Dharma talk, but we're always talking the Dharma.

If people want to add in other times, I'll be happy to do that, and I'm thinking about a monthly movie night too.  I have a DVD of Crazy Wisdom, a movie about Chogyam Trumpa.  I reviewed the movie, and Cori reviewed the movie too.  I think the PBS Buddha movie is streaming on Netflix.  And I have I Heart Huckibees.  And there are others.  I recently was looking at Danny Fisher's article on the Elephant Journal.  There's a million Buddhist movies, and movies we could look at from a Buddhist perspective. What do you think?  Wanna come over and watch a movie?